When life takes the wind out of your sails, it is to test you at the oars. ~ Robert Brault
Good morning my beautiful readers. I know it’s Monday so I am sending you all the positive vibes. I hope you all have a great week ahead.
Have you tried fishing? I did when I was young. We would go to the river with my childhood friends and do fishing. Now, I think it is good to share what I’ve learned from it. Everytime we catch fish we are very happy. There is a sense of fulfillment in it. But as you know the fish move a lot because he is not comfortable in his new place and if the fish manage to jump and escape the only tendency is to go back to water. That’s normal reaction right? The fish does not know what to do with his/her life in the land. The fish belongs to the water and he’s happy in that place. Why would we try to pull them out from their environment. For some reasons, we can do so as long we can provide them adequate environment that equates their former home.