My last born baby. I call you #thelaststallion. You came too soon but we love you just the same. Mama was trying to get back her body when you came 5 months after your sister was born. Mama was nervous about the pregnancy because I just had your sister but you were meant to be. You just came along at the right time because mama don’t want to get pregnant when she turns 40. Indeed, you were born when mama was 39.
You completed our team. I can say now a family of 5, two boys and a girl plus Lilly. Your big brother adores you and always asks you “Are you ok James?” or he will just say “I love you, James”!!! and mama’s heart melts. Chiara always send you kisses as she can speak only few words. Papa and Mama will be forever grateful to God for giving us wonderful babies like you guys. I felt honored to be entrusted with these wonderful children. Continue reading