My last born baby. I call you #thelaststallion. You came too soon but we love you just the same. Mama was trying to get back her body when you came 5 months after your sister was born. Mama was nervous about the pregnancy because I just had your sister but you were meant to be. You just came along at the right time because mama don’t want to get pregnant when she turns 40. Indeed, you were born when mama was 39.

You completed our team. I can say now a family of 5, two boys and a girl plus Lilly. Your big brother adores you and always asks you “Are you ok James?” or he will just say “I love you, James”!!! and mama’s heart melts. Chiara always send you kisses as she can speak only few words. Papa and Mama will be forever grateful to God for giving us wonderful babies like you guys. I felt honored to be entrusted with these wonderful children.

We chose the name James Raphael for you because Mama wanted the name James as many famous and successful people named James. As mama knew you will be famous and successful one day. The most important is, you are a good person. Always happy and curious. Papà chose Raphaél because that’s the name of your nonno (Papa’s father). You were indeed our lucky charm. When you were inside Mama’s tummy, Papa got the job he wanted. And we all end up happy.  We celebrated and opened a lot of champagnes and prosecco’s  to celebrate your coming to this world and Papa’s appointment.

You are such a wonderful baby. So beautiful. Please just sleep at night 😉 Maybe, you don’t know the timetable on earth yet. You are not sleeping well at night as of this writing ;).

I just want you to enjoy life. Life with your brother and sister. You will grow up with them. Stay happy. You are lucky to have born with already best friends in this world. Not everyone is entitled enough to have a brother and a sister. Treasure your relationship as brothers and sister. Always be there to each other, help each other. It’s ok to argue but at the end of the day, you are one in blood. Never let other destroy your relationship with your siblings. Always love and understand. Always listen to each other. Never be afraid to share each others thoughts and opinions. Always work on what’s the best for each other. The success of one of you is the success of all of you. Always be proud of your sister and brother. You’ll always have a friend in them.

Be nice, be kind and be good. I always tell this to you. The world will be beautiful. Make the world beautiful. Always smile.

You completed our family of five and we continue to live happily ever after!!!!!!!!!

We love you, James!! always and forever!



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