For the very reason that I am not yet fluent in french, I can’t find a job in France except teaching English. But because I really want to pursue the legal profession in europe, I expanded my search to the next country where there are more opportunities for english speakers. In Luxembourg, there are a lot of work that fits me.For few days, excitement filled my heart. I looked at the job ads and I’m very thrilled to see jobs that matches to my education, work experience and skills. In the following days, I studied and prepare for the interview. I went back to get my notes, my stock knowledge in law and so on and so forth. I want to be at my best because it is the job I want, it is my passion. I am armed with all the knowledge and proper preparation. I even bought a new suit for my interview.
When I entered the building of the workplace my heart says, “you belong here”!!!!!. I feel going back to my office in my previous job. It is very similar. Nice and friendly surroundings. Real corporate world. It is my world. I rang the bell and a woman accompanied me to the room where the interview will be taken. I felt a little bit emotional as I entered the room because it brings back to me all the good memories in my past career and makes me realized that it’s been a while and I missed my corporate world so much. I worked with various nationalities already and spoke with different people. I worked with different timezones having worked with american companies and australian company. I knew, I will be fine. I am full of courage and dreams while waiting for the interview to start. I smile and told myself “you are back to your world”. The room set up where I am waiting is akin to my preceding job. It is home for me.
After few minutes, a beautiful woman entered. I stand up to shake her hand. She’s charming and at the same time very firm. I knew it from the start that she’s very smart. I am right indeed! My heart leap while the interview goes on. If only I could tell her over and over again how much I love the job and how I am so excited to work with her. I worked with a woman before, she’s very powerful as she is the managing solicitor of the firm I am with and I really like my former boss. She’s amazing! As the interview goes, I can already see that I will go well working with her. First impression lasts. I admire her in an instant. I want to work with her. I know we will be a happy team. I want a happy and friendly environment work place and I found it already. Oh God! I thank you for the wonderful and powerful woman. Hoping she will be my next boss, I am truly honored and excited to start my career in this company.
Dura lex, sed lex. The sad part goes here. My husband and I live in France. Though we live near the border between France and Luxembourg, the Luxembourg law says that to get a job in Luxembourg for a non european national you have to get a work permit. Though this is not the problem if my husband works in Luxembourg. Luxembourg is a small European country neighboring France, Belgium and Germany. It is small compared to other European countries but is very rich in terms of GDP. In fact, it is the second richest country in the world next to Qatar. In my case, I am still waiting for my Italian nationality to make me a European national. Follow ups will not make it fast because it is a process. I fully understand as giving your allegiance to another country is not an overnight decision. The law is hard but it is the law.
As I read about the Luxembourg law to find solution I learned that because I am married to a European I need to get just an “authorization to work” in Luxembourg. This authorization is issued by the Minister of Labour of Luxembourg after finding out that no local (Luxembourg national) can do the job. It’s a tough process. My prayer is that the company would do this process just to hire me. I am learning a lot. I want to learn more of the European Legal system. I want to work where I am at my best. I love the job position. I swear, I will be a superstar for that job!
My only hope is that this company will do the process of giving me the contract so I can show to the Minister of Labour of Luxembourg and solve this dilemma. All I need is the job contract and I hope they will comply and wait for me after the whole process of my work permit.
Now, I pray that this company, will give me this opportunity. In return, I will never disappoint them.
Oh God! make me a European national in an instant. Praying and hoping with all my heart!
Bon weekend!