So, here I am trying to get back to my love which is writing. And I’m happy to inform you that I found some growing passion about some things that I thought I will never do or things I will never want to try.
How are you guys doing these trying times? I have a lot to write about actually. I am just finding the right timing. You know kids and household chores hinders me.
From this pandemic to kids growing up, to buying our french home, to my new found hobbies, to my weight loss journey, to going back to learn French language and this time really learn it and everything that I have encountered these past months. Honestly, I am not familiar really with dates now lol. As long as we are alive and healthy, that’s all I care about recently.
So for the coming days or maybe weeks I will try to update my blog about the things that I am into.
I am so excited especially my gardening journey and goals about my garden.
So for now, this is short and quick update.
Cheers! Hope you are all keeping safe and healthy!
P.S. Also wordpress changed settings lol I’m trying to understand. It’s really been a lot I am away!