Hello beautiful world! Hello friends!
I found this book on sale last Sunday and I was thrilled when I saw it. In a few days, I will be embracing the gift of motherhood. I am so excited about it that if I can only pull the days I already did.
I am a first time mom and I really have don’t have idea about it except the things based from my current research and readings. I know it is different when you’re there but I also know it is wonderful and all worth it. I’m starting to understand the sacrifices and the love of the mother already. Mothers really have an unselfish heart. They are willing to do everything for their baby’s sake. No mother would ever harm their baby. I get emotional already as I type. 😉 I know for sure I will make mistakes and discover learnings about the joy of motherhood as I progress. I just wish no one will interfere with my motherhood. I will screw them up. To each his own. Each of us has different style and babies aren’t similar. Each person is a unique individual and babies too have different characteristics. What works for you doesn’t mean it will work for me and my baby. We are all unique and no one is perfect especially about parenting. It is all about trial and error and if a mother could avoid it, she will definitely do.
I wish to enjoy this book before my little one arrive. I wish also to share my happiness here soon.

Embracing the gift of motherhood
I hope everyone is having a happy and postive day. It’s sunny here in France and the leaves are already changing its colors to autumn. Hello fall! 🙂