Hello beautiful friends!

It’s been a while since I wrote my last blog on my other website. I’m very excited about this new home. Of course, I cannot do this all by myself. I am thankful I have a very supportive, equally smart and genius husband who worked up to wee hours to make my new website pleasing and beautiful. 🙂

WELCOME TO MY NEW HOME. I welcome you with my bright big smile and you can talk to me anything and everything. Just feel at home. Relax and be my guest.

My new home will just be the same as my old home but I will make sure this will be more fun, more interesting and relaxing that you can chill all day when you visit. 🙂 I am still the same bubbly girl behind who will accommodate you with utmost importance.

Come inside. Sit down, grab a drink and relax. Feel at home friends. 🙂



10 thoughts on “WELCOME TO MY NEW HOME!

  1. Jeannette says:

    Hello Analyn! I am super excited for you and I really love your new home! Not that I didn’t like the previous one (I loved it too) but change is always exciting and seing you so happy makes me happy too. Congratulations and I can’t wait to see more posts from you!!! Blessings my friend!!! xoxo, Jeannette

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