Hello beautiful people! This is quite long overdue for the new year but I hope everyone had a great new year, a great start we all wanted to be.
I have been pre-occupied by my motherhood duties so please pardon me for not blogging for a while. I am squeezing my time in between when my little one is having his nap time.
I have so much to thankful for 2015. It gave me life’s most wonderful blessing, having a baby. I feel like I am complete the day I held him in my arms. I am overjoyed with happiness. Motherhood is a very tiring job as it is a 24/7 job but I can say that it is the most rewarding and worth all the sleepless nights and fatigues. With just a smile from your little one your heart melts. Sorry, I cannot find more superlatives to describe how happy it is to be a mother but I know mothers especially new moms can relate to me.
So, as I am a new mom, I have some thoughts about how to bring 2016 more meaningful and fruitful for me. Life is not about me, my husband and our surroundings anymore. We have now a little boy to think about all the time. To teach him good values and think of his future. Wow! Life is truly a blessing.
I am not that kind of person who’s really into new year resolutions and write them but some thoughts popped up my mind when the new year is changing. I hope I can be a good influence to everyone and I am trying not to just list it here but PUSH myself to do it. No excuses!
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