HELLO USA! Thank you for following my blogs.
Mister Sun is still showing some badass appearance and so I’m taking all the chances to maximize the summer get ups. I’m happy with the weather. I don’t like cold, really! From one who lived in tropics all her life, my idea of cold is limited to comfortable Baguio weather where one jacket is enough or even without a jacket. 🙂 Very very far from the cold I’m getting in Europe. 🙂 Good thing about the European weather is you get to experience the four seasons and you change your outfits for every season. 🙂
This seems to be a party dress but you can just add a coat that match you can go to the office and then after remove the coat you are ready to party. 🙂 Serves both purpose.
My top is from CA. By the way, I keep mentioning CA. For those who don’t know CA is a German clothing line. My skirt is from FOREVER21 which I also love. Shoes is from DOROTHY PERKINS. It’s been a while I’m still wearing this skirt when I was working in Australian law firm. I missed my law firm life, seriously! I will go back to law firm here very very soon! 🙂
Thank you my dear readers. Have a fantabulous Tuesday!
a demain.