Bonjour tout le monde!

Warning: This is not an application. 🙂

So, here I am trying to find a job in the middle of pandemic.

I am a mother trying to get back to work after having three beautiful children.

How does a stay at home mother make a strong appeal for the potential employers to give her a chance to go back to work? A lot of questions pondering my mind.

I started submitting my CV to job listings that I am qualified and I am getting rejections. Two days ago, I got rejected for a job that I really think I will get, because, based on the job description, that’s exactly my former job before I left to start a family. I know in my heart that I can do the job even with eyes closed, yes, I am good like that. I know, I may sound boastful and over confident but yes, I do my job well for my company to be worthy of my services. That is the reason why I’m feeling down this week. That made me cry. I know there will be a lot out there but because it is an Intellectual Property law firm. Oh boy, that’s one of my favorite area of law. I don’t want to think about it that much. I want to move forward and go to find where there is a company willing to hire me for my skills, degree and competency.

We don’t want negative thoughts, but the reality is, it’s hard to compete coming from Asia, from a third world country, and being brown. It’s hard to prove your worth. It’s hard to find someone to give you the opportunity. Yes, people would say, we don’t care about your race but that’s just beautiful sentence. If only you can tell your potential employer to hire you because you will do everything to help the company moving up. I was one of the best employee in my former job. I love the job and I love the people I work with. I miss the corporate world so much. I miss working with diverse people, I miss exchanging ideas, I miss sharing my thoughts, I miss learning the law and embracing new things in the legal profession. I was told to just look for a job at the creche because that’s where I belong. Nothing wrong with job at the creche, in fact, that’s my job for the past years staying at home taking care of babies. BUT, I wanted the passion, the pressure, the zealousness, the challenges, and learning’s of the legal industry. That is my passion and it is always in my heart.

My name is Analyn Milallos – Lobianco. I have a Juris Doctor degree. I worked as legal secretary in an Australian law firm before moving to Europe. I am pro-active, willing to learn, zealous, fast learner.

Why would we hire you?

I always love this question during the interview.

I remember working for the managing solicitor and our legal transcriptionist for very unfortunate reason got sick. I did the legal transcription under time pressure because we need to finish a case. I delivered it ahead of time aside from doing other tasks on my side. Answering client calls and making them feel satisfied and happy of my answer after their call is also one of my favorite part. I can multi-task, I did works beyond my scope when needed. Because I can work and thrive in diverse environment. I can do the job and deliver excellent results, because I’m willing to learn new things. Because I’m a fast learner. I have the degree, skills and work experiences that will fit to the new job and I can guaranty exceptional job results that will stand out and of course, if you hire me, I can make your life easier and will be a good addition to your company to go up. With my work experiences, I can solve problems quick and make good decisions. That, you need to hire me. 🙂

I am excited to work. I am excited, so excited to share my skills. I just need a company to trust this returning momma to work. Believe me, my kids will not be a hindrance at work. They are my biggest inspiration. I want to put food on the table, I want to be financially independent. I want to buy clothes for my kids. These are the reasons why I’m going back to work.

That next time, I’m writing another entry here in my blog is about how I am happy with my work.

Good luck, self! You are good and you can do it.



So, here I am trying to get back to my love which is writing. And I’m happy to inform you that I found some growing passion about some things that I thought I will never do or things I will never want to try.

How are you guys doing these trying times? I have a lot to write about actually. I am just finding the right timing. You know kids and household chores hinders me.

From this pandemic to kids growing up, to buying our french home, to my new found hobbies, to my weight loss journey, to going back to learn French language and this time really learn it and everything that I have encountered these past months. Honestly, I am not familiar really with dates now lol. As long as we are alive and healthy, that’s all I care about recently.

So for the coming days or maybe weeks I will try to update my blog about the things that I am into.

I am so excited especially my gardening journey and goals about my garden.

So for now, this is short and quick update.

Cheers! Hope you are all keeping safe and healthy!

P.S. Also wordpress changed settings lol I’m trying to understand. It’s really been a lot I am away!




My last born baby. I call you #thelaststallion. You came too soon but we love you just the same. Mama was trying to get back her body when you came 5 months after your sister was born. Mama was nervous about the pregnancy because I just had your sister but you were meant to be. You just came along at the right time because mama don’t want to get pregnant when she turns 40. Indeed, you were born when mama was 39.

You completed our team. I can say now a family of 5, two boys and a girl plus Lilly. Your big brother adores you and always asks you “Are you ok James?” or he will just say “I love you, James”!!! and mama’s heart melts. Chiara always send you kisses as she can speak only few words. Papa and Mama will be forever grateful to God for giving us wonderful babies like you guys. I felt honored to be entrusted with these wonderful children. Continue reading


Bonjour à tous!

I gave birth in France, thrice, yes, you read it right! THRICE! I, myself cannot believe I have three babies in three years. How that happened? Anyway, you have maybe an idea how it is giving birth in France. Maybe I like it that I did it three times. For now, let’s concentrate on the food.

As we all know France is famous for food. Well, in my opinion, from someone who lived both in France and Italy, I would say no other country can top Italian cuisine. Japan, maybe, just maybe as I am Asian 😉

Ok, let’s go to the main topic. Giving birth thrice in France, I look forward for the food because they are very well planned and balanced aside from the fact that they don’t really taste how do I call it “hospital food”. As we all know “hospital food ” has different connotation in our mind, as gross as we think about it. Forgive me, if I am wrong or is it only me who think that way.

Here are the food they served me while waiting to give birth, right after giving birth and the days after. Continue reading


Dear Chiara Léa,

My little super beautiful, smart and adorable little girl. You are a wonderful gift to mama, papa and to your brother. We love you dearly. What a fun summer we had! We traveled to Italy this summer and how fun it was. I hope you enjoyed your second summer as much as we did. But I’m sure you did. You enjoyed the beach fun with your brother. You turned one year old, and got baptized. I can’t count how many “prosecco’s” we’d opened to cheer with family and friends from Padova to Ancona to the South in Bitonto! Like your brother you are a big blessing to us! Papa’s lucky charm. You don’t know it yet but papa passed his “concours” (french) for the top job! You are all assured of a bright future by now. Papa did really well because you guys are his inspiration. Without you, all will be vague and blurry.  Mama need to stay home to take care of you. But with you, our children, we knew we wanted to give you the best future you deserve! Only the best for you. Continue reading


In the midst of darkness;

scrapped happiness;

no one’s business;

crap is all you see.

you chose positivity

but someone’s pull out negativity,

the battle is on going,

keep trying,

sometimes it’s almost the end,

hang on to the rope,

I’ll hold your hand and never let go,

but you are “seul”

gotta hang for yourself,

and the life you made through,

you asked?

Is it worth it?

Is it worthy?

Is it me?

the “seul” me is the culprit;

the life has been taken away,

returning is not in bright sight,

who knows?

the stars’ the moon, and the universe in general,

shall I continue?

shall I know you?

Self? Self? Self?

Oh! you’ve been knackered,

stand up, stand tall, stand still,

fight all your falling pieces

until dawn, until unknown

no one will do

because you are “seul”.

Oh! how I love you!

will you fight for me too?

answers are deaf in the flowing river;

the wind blowing,

the biting cold is real and the leaves whisper to your ears

move on, move on,

everyday is an opportunity,

just live on,

you aren’t “seul”

you aren’t “seul”

you have the universe,

to chase and believe,

live on, live on,

stay still, stay strong,

go on, fight the battle,

because you are not “seul”

autumn feels

autumn feels





Dear Thomas Francesco,

First, don’t get mad about the title. We call you “TOMATO” because of your love for tomatoes, tomates, pomodoro, whatever we call it. During weekdays after your “creche” you always asked for tomato, carrot and cucumber and  by that, we love you for your love for vegetables.

I plan to write my feelings and dreams for you, so you can read this even when you are adult and if you are having rough times this serves as a reminder that you have a family, a mama and papa and now a sister who will always be there for you that you can always count on. I hope this will remind you that mama and papa love you very, very much. Continue reading


Hello everyone! Hope everyone is doing great.

I so wanted to write about this because there are very few articles about this on Internet especially for women who just gave birth experiencing this. I already wrote this long time ago when my hives are still in full bloom ;( but because time is my enemy it is only now that I was able to published.

So what is POST PARTUM HIVES? I am not aware of this until I experienced this by myself. We all knew what hives is. It is something you don’t want to have because of its itchiness and swollen skin. Hives can happen to everyone and according to what I’ve read it affects at least 20% of women after giving birth. Unfortunately, that includes me. It’s a mystery for me as I never had allergies in my life. It’s very disturbing and horrible. Continue reading