Hello friends and hello world!!! I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful autumn.
Well, as for me, everything is new this fall. In my previous posts, I mentioned that I will give birth this fall and I did. So much of my birthing story and experience I wanted to share it to all of you if I find time again.
Motherhood is a wonderful experience. It has been three weeks after I gave birth to my wonderful son. Motherhood or shall I say parenthood is all new for us. Well, at least we are not speaking of our dog here we are speaking about our son. I am discovering a lot of things. There’s joy, hardwork but definitely there’s full of love in it. I can’t really put into words what I’m feeling right now. The safety and protection you want for your son and everything that come in between. ๐ Ah! Now I understand the life of a new mother is really amazing. Everything is new. You don’t know your limits until you become a mother. You don’t think of yourself all you think about is your son, a truly selfless act. I don’t care being stuck at home 24/7 as long as I am with my son. I don’t care smelling of spilled milk all day. I don’t care wearing pajama all day. I don’t care of my body aches because of breastfeeding. I don’t care not eating on time. I only care for my little one to be happy and healthy. As long as he’s happy and ok, I will be happy and Ok too.
Life’s change as new parents. That’s true. You always have to consider your little one before making a decision. Little things become big because a little human is dependent on you and it’s your responsibility as parents. But believe me it is an amazing journey. There are times that you can’t help but cry because you don’t know what to do but in between of those hardships is all about love. ๐
I am still in awe of my happiness and looking forward for the days to come as I discover more about Motherhood.
Here’s our first family picture together with our dog lilly
First autumn for my little one. He’s two weeks old and we went to the hills of Saint Max ville.
What’s new to you this fall?
Time flies. Every season is different, enjoy it.