Hello friends and hello world! I have been away for sometime again but this time I have some very good news. I hope all of you are doing great especially autumn is coming. πŸ™‚

It’s not so secret anymore to my family, close friends and my followers that I am pregnant. YES! JE SUIS ENCEINTE (I am pregnant)! I wanted to keep it for ourselves first (carpe diem) that’s why I did not mention anything about it except after the first trimester I started posting some hints about what’s going on with me.

It was in the cold winter of February when we learned that I am expecting. My husband noticed that I am already delayed for few days but I shrugged off the idea because I don’t want to be disappointed if the test turned out to be negative and besides I felt like I was delayed because I was doing all the physical exercises to keep me fit and healthy. My husband brought me to ski (my first time) and as expected all I did was roll down the ski mountains stumble and fall. I enrolled in zumba class and I pushed myself to ran like 14 km. Really! I am not expecting that I will be pregnant with all the activities I was doing.

My road to pregnancy isn’t a peice of cake. The mood swings, the pregnancy hormones that try to haunt your weird imaginations and oh! those never ending weird dreaming marathon arrrgghh plus you have to deal with the physical changes your body is undergoing.

I had a rough road to my first trimester. I had so much of the morning sickness. I ate then puked it all the way. It was not easy. There were times that I felt like I’m gonna puke including my intestines and oh my morning sickness strikes not only in the morning but anytime of the day. I felt so weak and just wanted to lay down in bed for my first trimester. I don’t feel doing anything even if I tried to and it adds up the weather. It was the peak of the winter during my first trimester. So much laziness. I have to commend my husband for being so patient with me. For dealing with my not so good self during those days and up to now. He really did a great job with all the support he is giving me. Thank you husband. You are the best! Continue reading


Hello beautiful people and hello beautiful world! I am back again after long hiatus. But this time I want to be more visible as always. I missed blogging a lot but as I am preparing for the most important event of my life I always have a hard time writing blogs. In a few weeks I know I will be pre-occupied again but I wanted to share to all of you a little bit of my thoughts, opinions and life.

Life is precious and we should always be positive about it. I just want to be happy. I am not perfect in fact I am very far from that. I always commit mistakes but at the end of the day I thought about the lessons it teaches me. Happiness is a choice and I chose to be one. I am not saying that negative thoughts never ever cross my mind, it does, many times but I chose to let it go by praying and thinking of happy thoughts and positive things. Continue reading

Oh HELLO JULY! ah! Mid July!

Hi beautiful friends it’s been a while again. I am so sorry for not updating lately. I always thought of writing and then there will always be something that I need to do. I wish you are all good and enjoying the summer soleil. πŸ™‚

Because I’m a busy bee lately especially at the end of June and first week of July, it is only now that I figured out that it is already mid July. We already passed half of the year 2015 and I’m reflecting on where my 6 months of 2015 went. As I try to think about it, I feel happy and excited. I am a little bit fulfilled for the half year that passed. Here’s my random activities as I reflect on it.

By January my birth month, it was a cold winter and my husband took me to ski. First time to experienced it but it’s all worth it. I stumbled and fall and struggled most of the time but I managed to do it. I also took the opportunity becoming an animateur of English for teens at the “Cupe de Puce” of our ville.

February is our Italian wedding anniversary. As you have read in my previous blog. We got married first in Italy on Valentines day. πŸ™‚ We dine out and reflect of the happy moments for the two years that we are together as we build a family and Oh! it is also this month that we learned about the big news. πŸ™‚

By March, I enrolled at the Cambridge University teaching Knowledge Test. A certificate for teaching straight from the Cambridge University. It is very interesting. I learned a lot of things.

April is our Philippine wedding anniversary. A year full of love and blessings. I have to admit I made a mess on this day. This is also the month I started teaching English at the Social Culturel of Saint Max and Maxeville. I started to love my students.

May was busy month. Doing my TKT CAmbridge University seminar and at the same time teaching my students.

June was busy as I am finishing my teaching schedule and at the same time preparing for the final exam for the Cambridge TKT.

July finally, I am free and we travelled to Italy for some break and enjoy the rest of the summer.

By August I can’t wait for our Saint Tropez, Cote de Azur and Monaco adventure. I’m so looking forward for it as I’ve never been out for quiet sometime.

I know there will be more blessings and good things to come for the rest of the 2015 and I continue to pray and I’m so ready for the big blessings coming.

I am happy to reflect my half year has been productive one.

Here's a happy me enjoying the start of summer in France.

Here’s a happy me enjoying the start of summer in France.

I wish you all the same. More blessings and happy days.

Carpe Diem!






Hello beautiful people! Hello planet earth! πŸ™‚ It’s June and we always thought JUNE about one thing WEDDINGS! wedding here and there, wedding everywhere! I love weddings! but of course more than wedding I love my beautiful married life. πŸ™‚

I got married twice already (in Italy and Philippines) of course to the same man and I want to have an altar date with him over and over again. Everytime I get to witness or see wedding I wish to get married again and again.

One of the most important thing for the bride is about her wedding gown after all it is her BIG DAY. It’ s every girls dream to be a princess for a day right?

Choosing your wedding gown can be really stressfull. Unless, you already pictured the wedding gown you wanted to wear ever since you were a child. πŸ™‚ But as we grow older, things change and we often change our mind too (ah! women). πŸ˜‰ The best advise I can give is as long as you know yourself more, the easier it will be. Your wedding gown shows your personality. The moment that you already found the right man for you means you already know yourself more. If you already knew me, you can even choose the right wedding gown for me. I have a bubbly personality the one that laughs like there’s no tomorrow.

RTW WEDDING GOWN. Yes, I wore a RTW wedding gown from France. The moment I saw the wedding gown at the wedding shop in France, I knew that it is the one for me. Yes, it was “love at first sight” with my wedding gown. I immediately went inside the shop and fit it. Awww, problem it was too big for me and the sad part is they only make one gown for each design. I’m so inlove with the design because I felt that it was meant for me, my personality. Aside from that, it was on sale!!. Seems that the universe is conspiring. You know wedding gowns in Europe can be very expensive. Prices can range from 2000€ or more. Sale is just perfect. Let’s be practical because we still have life after the wedding. How wonderful right? I fitted other gowns but I just can’t let go of my first choice. True love as you call it. I bought it thinking of having it altered to fit me. Indeed, I made the right choice. My tailor did a wonderful job altering it for me and I couldn’t be happier. I wore a Princess Ursula style in Ivory color wedding gown. I had my dream wedding gown on my wedding day. My wedding gown that just me, my personality. πŸ™‚

Here I am on my wedding day. :)

Here I am on my wedding day wearing a RTW Princess Ursula style wedding gown in ivory color from France πŸ™‚


I have pictured my second choice wedding gown. If I have to walk down the altar again with my husband. I would love to wear this Vera Wang mermaid cut gown. They say, mermaid cut is perfect for a slim and tall brides. Luckily, I belong to that category. πŸ™‚ I am so inlove with this. Dreams do come true and one day this will be real. πŸ˜‰

photo grab from google. Vera Wang gemma gown

photo from google. Vera Wang gemma gown


I would love to hear your wedding gown stories. Tell me about it on the comment section.

To all who are getting married this June and for the coming months, I wish you all the luck and blessings in this planet. May you all walk in love and more than the wedding and wedding gowns may you all have the most beautiful married life this planet has to offer.

Weekend is almost here! Cheers!





Hi loves! How time flies and we are halfway of the year… I hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather. Finally, the sun is up and summer is already here. I am in France and we are getting at least 37Β° day by day. How wonderful isn’t it?

Summer is my most favorite time of the year. Ahhh J’adore le soleil!!! (i love the sun) I’m stocking a lot of Vit D to make up for the lost vitamins during the winter.

Last weekend, the husband and I went to a lake in Vosges a place in France also called the Vosges Mountains, are a range of low mountains in eastern France, near its border with Germany.Β  I will make a separate blog about the place because it has its own beauty that can captivate everyone. For now, let me share with you my lasting true love for denims, flowers and the sun.

If you are an avid reader of my blog you probably knew me too well. I am obsessed with denims and florals. Anything with these two make me happy.

I am too happy to share with you that I found these two favorites of mine in one dress. Yes, I found a floral denim dress. If you are thinking about summer and wearing denim you might think ah! that might be too hot for the summer. You know people in the fashion world are genius. They make light denims for a dress and make it more appealing for the summer.

I found this one from Tom Tailor Denim and it just brings a lot of happiness to me. A denim with flowers. Wow! The light material for denim brings so much freshness and comfort. I could not ask for more. πŸ™‚


Enjoying the Sun and my dress

Enjoying the Sun, the greens, the lake and my dress



I paired it with a white sneaker from Jenyfer

I paired it with a white sneaker from Jennyfer

Rocking the style with my denim hairbow given my a friend.

at 19 weeks and 4 days pregnant Rocking the style with a denim hairbow given by my friend.

I hope you like my outfit for today. Have a fabulous week ahead my loves. Until next outfit stories with some revelations which I know pretty obvious already πŸ˜‰

Stay cool and beautifl this summer. Don’t forget to wear sunblock.





Happy Sunday beautiful friends! Ok, I don’t wanna spoil a beautiful Sunday by sounding like negative. These are just my random thoughts for today.

Have you ever felt trapped once in your life? I guess everyone did. I did. I felt trapped by some life complications. If we thought about it life is simple but as human as we are, we try to complicate things.

When I was a kid, I felt trapped by my parents rules, all I can do is to obey because they are my parents and I know it’s for my own good. When I was in law school, I felt trapped by my books. I am not a very studious person but I have to read those books to earn my degree. Continue reading


Hi friends! How’s your weekend going? I hope all is doing well according to your plans. It’s been a while and I wanna share with you my new discoveries.

First, I want to say that I am not a make up expert and to be honest I am just discovering it lately. Second, I am not paid or sponsored by these products. This is my personal take.

I am inspired by most youtubers and bloggers about make ups and I was like oh! I wanna try it too. I found myself trying these BB cream and CC cream. In Asia, these things are very popular. I particularly love the Korean make up products like the face shop, skin food, tony molly, etude house, etc…but since I am in Europe and these Korean make ups doesn’t exist in the corners of Europe, I have to look for somewhat similar that can enhance my Asian skin. I’ve read before that Asian women have to look particular products for Asian skin. Before Korean make ups invade the market, in the Philippines, we are used toΒ  American and European products. As Korean products is made particularly for Asian women, my skin like it more. Now, I am trying these products on me.

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Hello beautiful peeps! I missed you all my friends. I mentioned in my last blog that I am pre-occupied lately with some things that I will of course share to all of you.

Weather is becoming good everyday and I’m savoring the spring smell of flowers and of course the ray of the sun. Oh, how I missed going outside. If you’ve noticed most winter days I seldom go out. Cold weather is my enemy. Yes, I am a tropic girl so that’s not really surprising.

I shall not forget, of course despite my busy teaching schedule I still managed to squeeze some time for shopping. Fashion will always be my first love. As I searched for some particular items I can’t get off my eyes to denims. I love denims and I can wear it everyday from skirt to tops and the classic denim jeans. The style that never fade, Denims!

I saw this overall at Jenifer and I can’t let go of it. This pair is just lovely isn’t it? I hope I gave justice to this outfit. This is summer perfect outfit easy and cool. I paired it with a refreshing white top from Pimkie and the shoes from Jenifer. You can even match this with cropped top tees or tank tops for cool summer outfit. Just perfect!

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Hello beautiful people! It’s been a while again. I hope you are all doing great. I have been pre-occupied lately and there are more important reasons why I seldom write a blog lately. I missed blogging a lot and I missed you all. That’s why I’m back.

It’s spring time!!! The weather I always look forward to. You know I only love winter one day or two then I patiently wait for spring. Winter really makes me sad. On the positive note, come to think of it, no matter how long the winter stays, there is always spring in the end. I remember the saying “Behind the clouds, the sun still shine”.

And what’s my new beginnings for spring 2015? First, I have very important beginning to reveal soon. For now, let me hold it for a little suspense but I assure you it is a wonderful blessing. I would share my happiness to all of you the soonest possible.

Aside from my surprise, my other new beginning is my new class that I am teaching. It is an English class for beginners and guess what my students are all professionals. I am very careful about it. Can you imagine I have four accountant students, a banker, a social worker and other professions. It is my pleasure though to teach them English.

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When life takes the wind out of your sails, it is to test you at the oars. ~ Robert Brault

Good morning my beautiful readers. I know it’s Monday so I am sending you all the positive vibes. I hope you all have a great week ahead.

Have you tried fishing? I did when I was young. We would go to the river with my childhood friends and do fishing. Now, I think it is good to share what I’ve learned from it. Everytime we catch fish we are very happy. There is a sense of fulfillment in it. But as you know the fish move a lot because he is not comfortable in his new place and if the fish manage to jump and escape the only tendency is to go back to water. That’s normal reaction right? The fish does not know what to do with his/her life in the land. The fish belongs to the water and he’s happy in that place. Why would we try to pull them out from their environment. For some reasons, we can do so as long we can provide them adequate environment that equates their former home.

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