Best things living in France (from the viewpoint of an asian)

My first glimpse of France were on books, movies and history only. It was a dream. In 2012, I first came to France as a tourist. It was magical! Everything is beautiful in my eyes. From the busy streets to the people I saw around. To the lanscapes etc. etc. Now, I think, I need to write about it from the point of view of an asian living in France.Fate brought me in France. My husband work in French university in Nancy thats why we are here. Here are some of the best things I like living in France.

1. I love that everyone says BONJOUR! BONNEJOURNE! AU REVOIR! BONSOIR! BON APRES MIDI!….depending upon the time of the day. Politeness to the highest even they don’t know you.

2. I love it where everyone can have lunch in their hand without the need of spoon and fork and table. Yes, the convenience of the baguette sandwich.

3. I love fashion. I love it when I saw even old people keeping their fashionable side. Oh yes, those fur trench coats during winter, those towering high heels, scarfs and accessories. And those make up that I would feel everyday I’m in the movie seeing beautiful stars. Yeah! definitely I so love it.

4. The library in every village is enormous. I am glad I can borrow movie dvd’s, magazines such as vogue, elle, etc.

5. Yes! They have the best pastries in the world! Enough said!

6. I love the lanscapes. The parks that’s full of trees and the garden of flowers. Oh that just blow your day to a happy day everyday.
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I would like to encourage more people about blogging especially the students. English language students in France. Many asked me about how to start a website and what to write on blogs. I would usually reply to just express yourself. Your blogs will be your thoughts and feelings it reflects your personality so just express it.To my french readers/followers and all other european students/university students especially those who’s into learning the English language. I can help you. Take the plunge!!!!!! It will go a long way.

For speaker engagement inquiries and styling events about the power of blogging you can reach me through e-mail at

My mobile number is +33664641497. Skype id is anniebarrister.

Let’s share more about the world of blogging.

E-mail me for details. You can also follow me on twitter @annemilallos and instagram as duchess_anne.

credit to photo from google

Thank you. See you all.



Random thoughts on a friday

I’m sorry, I haven’t been blogging lately as I am very much pre-occupied with my summer class in law. It’s ENGLISH COMMON LAW. It’s very interesting and I got my mind moving again with the law language ๐Ÿ™‚ I really like law because it’s very challenging. I’m learning a lot since I really want to get to know more of the European legal system. Now, I realized that there’s more of the European Union legalities to exlplore. Aside from my summer class, I’ve been pondering on random things. Maybe, I’m getting old. Hopefully, I’m aging gracefully.Here are my random thoughts lately….

Typhoon. My country particularly my province was hit by the wrath of forceful typhoon last wednesday. I prayed that my families, friends and all the people be spared. Reading news after the typhoon how strong it went is devastating but the hope people is showing is admirable. I admire the resiliency people are showing. But please, we don’t need another typhoon to be called resilient. Living in another country makes me realized how resilient we are back in the Philippines. We always find solutions to problems and we carry a smile in our face no matter how serious the situation. Yes, we keep it cool! ๐Ÿ™‚
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Sweet Potato pancake

I love pancake. It’s easy to prepare and it has this enticing appealing taste and smell. It’s one of the first few things I learned how to cook in grade school. There are plenty of ready to make pancake mix in the supermarket already but I want a real one. Of course nothing beat home made foods and recipes you prepare. I’m not an expert but for me cooking is an art. You must have full of imaginations and ideas. Just keep it running and you’ll get it right. I am not good in the kitchen but I’m learning. I’m a newbie wife. I’m learning, reinventing and discovering a lot of things. In my previous blogs, I’ve mentioned already that I’m married to an Italian vegetarian which means I always need to consider the quality of food. Healthy option is a must.

Sweet potato is one of the healthiest food in the world. It has loads of health benefits plus they taste heavenly like dessert. There are a surprising number of nutrient categories responsible for the health benefits of this underappreciated tuber. Among these categories are antioxidants, anti-inflammatory nutrients, and blood sugar-regulating nutrients. Each category brings with it valuable health benefits. It is really good for those on diet.

I searched on how to cook it in different ways and I found a lot of interesting recipes. One of them is making sweet potato pancake. As most of my search is complicated and needs tons of ingredients like baking powder etc. and I’m already drooling while looking at the photos I decided to just make sweet potato pancake using the ingredients I have at home.

I promise for a pancake lover like me, it taste heaven ๐Ÿ˜‰

Here it is!

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Dove girl audition

I wanted to share a little secret.I was 21 and freshman in law school. Dove launched their search for a new tv ad dove girl. I don’t know what entered my mind. Despite coping up as a freshman law student I joined the search. lol I read all the mechanics and all I can remember is that I submitted a wallet size photos of different angles, whole body, half body, smiling, not smiling, etc… It is for testimonial advertisement saga. Thanks to ely’s studio that time. haha I also submitted an essay about why they should choose me to be the next dove girl. Another essay on why I use dove and why dove makes me beautiful? I can’t remember what I wrote on those essays but I can still remember my entry on why dove makes me beautiful.
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Dura lex, sed lex

For the very reason that I am not yet fluent in french, I can’t find a job in France except teaching English. But because I really want to pursue the legal profession in europe, I expanded my search to the next country where there are more opportunities for english speakers. In Luxembourg, there are a lot of work that fits me.For few days, excitement filled my heart. I looked at the job ads and I’m very thrilled to see jobs that matches to my education, work experience and skills. In the following days, I studied and prepare for the interview. I went back to get my notes, my stock knowledge in law and so on and so forth. I want to be at my best because it is the job I want, it is my passion. I am armed with all the knowledge and proper preparation. I even bought a new suit for my interview.

When I entered the building of the workplace my heart says, “you belong here”!!!!!. I feel going back to my office in my previous job. It is very similar. Nice and friendly surroundings. Real corporate world. It is my world. I rang the bell and a woman accompanied me to the room where the interview will be taken. I felt a little bit emotional as I entered the room because it brings back to me all the good memories in my past career and makes me realized that it’s been a while and I missed my corporate world so much. I worked with various nationalities already and spoke with different people. I worked with different timezones having worked with american companies and australian company. I knew, I will be fine. I am full of courage and dreams while waiting for the interview to start. I smile and told myself “you are back to your world”. The room set up where I am waiting is akin to my preceding job. It is home for me.
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Full on friday

My happy thoughts today is about dreams. Good dreams to fulfill for the better to improve and learn more.Speak fluent french.

Enjoy the sun.

Enjoy the ride.

Enjoy life.

I am happy and blessed for the wonderful weather today plus a good run and reading. Life is just amazing! I am always thankful.

I am currently reading this.

Bon weekend!


Happy and Blessed

Yes, I’m back. I’m sorry! I did not blog for the past days because I would like to edit a lot and make new layouts and aside from that I am out most of the time since I vow to be healthy and fit. I do a lot of biking and running lately because weather is really nice!

I am a positive person. I embrace positivity and avoid negative things. The fact that we can’t control negative things to happen, I always try to look  the bright side of it.

From today and everyday, I will write a short note of the positive things and blessings I had.

Today is thursday, 19th of June today. 

I am happy and blessed because I received good e-mail from my soon to be employer and I am very happy about it.

have a happy and blessed day! my dear JAR readers and followers!




Living abroad is never easy. One of the things you have to deal with is homesickness. There’s no right medication for this because even if you keep yourself busy, at the end of the day, you still feel like “I wish I’m home” moments. It leaves you that deep sigh moment… It drives you crazy, moody and irritated. You just can’t count the things that you miss from your home. Aside from your family and friends, you miss your dogs, your foods, your memories…and the lists goes on and on…How do I deal with my homesickness?

Here’s my temporary medication for being homesick.
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Fagiolini spaghetti

My amore is a vegetarian for 4 years now and I’m proud of him. When he told me he’s a vegetarian,ย  I was like oh my God, it’s difficult to be one. Maybe because I grew up eating all the fishes in the sea being born in an archipelago with 7, 200 islands (number of islands keep growing). Italy is a vegetarian friendly country. It’s normal for them to just munch on pomodoro (tomato) cheese, spaghetti… etc.. etc… Yes, I have to agree that Italy has the best cuisine in the world. There are lots of vegetarian in Italy. I am amazed that some kids are even into vegetarian. I am not a meat lover but for sure I will never be a vegetarian since I love seafoods a lot. ๐Ÿ˜‰ My amore is not having a difficulty at all keeping his vegetarian diet. I am not an expert but I wanted to share one of the famous vegetarian recipe my amore loves. To this day, he said, my cooking passed the Italian taste bud already! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Here’s what you need for FAGIOLINI SPAGHETTI.

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