Hello beautiful people! Hello planet earth! πŸ™‚ It’s June and we always thought JUNE about one thing WEDDINGS! wedding here and there, wedding everywhere! I love weddings! but of course more than wedding I love my beautiful married life. πŸ™‚

I got married twice already (in Italy and Philippines) of course to the same man and I want to have an altar date with him over and over again. Everytime I get to witness or see wedding I wish to get married again and again.

One of the most important thing for the bride is about her wedding gown after all it is her BIG DAY. It’ s every girls dream to be a princess for a day right?

Choosing your wedding gown can be really stressfull. Unless, you already pictured the wedding gown you wanted to wear ever since you were a child. πŸ™‚ But as we grow older, things change and we often change our mind too (ah! women). πŸ˜‰ The best advise I can give is as long as you know yourself more, the easier it will be. Your wedding gown shows your personality. The moment that you already found the right man for you means you already know yourself more. If you already knew me, you can even choose the right wedding gown for me. I have a bubbly personality the one that laughs like there’s no tomorrow.

RTW WEDDING GOWN. Yes, I wore a RTW wedding gown from France. The moment I saw the wedding gown at the wedding shop in France, I knew that it is the one for me. Yes, it was “love at first sight” with my wedding gown. I immediately went inside the shop and fit it. Awww, problem it was too big for me and the sad part is they only make one gown for each design. I’m so inlove with the design because I felt that it was meant for me, my personality. Aside from that, it was on sale!!. Seems that the universe is conspiring. You know wedding gowns in Europe can be very expensive. Prices can range from 2000€ or more. Sale is just perfect. Let’s be practical because we still have life after the wedding. How wonderful right? I fitted other gowns but I just can’t let go of my first choice. True love as you call it. I bought it thinking of having it altered to fit me. Indeed, I made the right choice. My tailor did a wonderful job altering it for me and I couldn’t be happier. I wore a Princess Ursula style in Ivory color wedding gown. I had my dream wedding gown on my wedding day. My wedding gown that just me, my personality. πŸ™‚

Here I am on my wedding day. :)

Here I am on my wedding day wearing a RTW Princess Ursula style wedding gown in ivory color from France πŸ™‚


I have pictured my second choice wedding gown. If I have to walk down the altar again with my husband. I would love to wear this Vera Wang mermaid cut gown. They say, mermaid cut is perfect for a slim and tall brides. Luckily, I belong to that category. πŸ™‚ I am so inlove with this. Dreams do come true and one day this will be real. πŸ˜‰

photo grab from google. Vera Wang gemma gown

photo from google. Vera Wang gemma gown


I would love to hear your wedding gown stories. Tell me about it on the comment section.

To all who are getting married this June and for the coming months, I wish you all the luck and blessings in this planet. May you all walk in love and more than the wedding and wedding gowns may you all have the most beautiful married life this planet has to offer.

Weekend is almost here! Cheers!





Happy Sunday beautiful friends! Ok, I don’t wanna spoil a beautiful Sunday by sounding like negative. These are just my random thoughts for today.

Have you ever felt trapped once in your life? I guess everyone did. I did. I felt trapped by some life complications. If we thought about it life is simple but as human as we are, we try to complicate things.

When I was a kid, I felt trapped by my parents rules, all I can do is to obey because they are my parents and I know it’s for my own good. When I was in law school, I felt trapped by my books. I am not a very studious person but I have to read those books to earn my degree. Continue reading


Hello beautiful people! It’s been a while again. I hope you are all doing great. I have been pre-occupied lately and there are more important reasons why I seldom write a blog lately. I missed blogging a lot and I missed you all. That’s why I’m back.

It’s spring time!!! The weather I always look forward to. You know I only love winter one day or two then I patiently wait for spring. Winter really makes me sad. On the positive note, come to think of it, no matter how long the winter stays, there is always spring in the end. I remember the saying “Behind the clouds, the sun still shine”.

And what’s my new beginnings for spring 2015? First, I have very important beginning to reveal soon. For now, let me hold it for a little suspense but I assure you it is a wonderful blessing. I would share my happiness to all of you the soonest possible.

Aside from my surprise, my other new beginning is my new class that I am teaching. It is an English class for beginners and guess what my students are all professionals. I am very careful about it. Can you imagine I have four accountant students, a banker, a social worker and other professions. It is my pleasure though to teach them English.

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1 Corinthians 13:4-7

4Β Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5Β It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Β Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7Β It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love is blind. Love has no bounderies. Love has no race. True! When two people from the other side of the world fell in love both has to deal with the so called “cultural differences”.

Sometimes I find myself thankful to the Spanish and American colonization at least the culture where I came from is not much different from the rest of the world. My husband asked me about the giving of “dowry” because as he read about Asia he came across of giving “dowry” before marriage. He asked me if it is being practiced in the Philippines. I said no. (I should have said yes, maybe he’s willing to give dowry lol) As Philippines has many western influence and being an archipelago in south east Asia, we are far apart from the culture of our neighboring Asian countries. I guess even the looks I’ve always been mistaken as Spanish or “latina”. I forgot I have Asian nose lol. The only Asian thing in our culture I guess is eating a lot of rice and noodles.

My husband is Italian. I’m a Filipino. My husband is from a developed country and I am from a developing country. So here are our cultural differences.

TRAFFIC. When my husband is driving just 3 or 5 cars in front of him he starts complaining of traffic. Oh! we should have not take this road can you see the traffic. While on my end, where’s the traffic? My idea of traffic is when you are totally blocked and cars are not moving. lol He complain about too many traffic lights while on my end there are some places in my country that even needs traffic light but due to lack of funds or corruption cannot have it.

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Hello beautiful people of the world! I hope you are all having a great day especially this Valentine’s day. Saint Valentine reminds us about love not only the courtly love but the kind of love everyone deserves and I want to share my life changing Valentine’s day two years ago.

It was a rainy winter, Valentine’s day of 2013 in Ancona, Italy (a city in the marche region central Italy) when I made the decision of getting married. I had my not so secret Italian wedding. πŸ™‚ Feeling so hollywood right?! Yes, just the sound of Italian wedding. Mind you, it is a very simple celebration of love because we are planning another wedding in the Philippines that’s why we opted to kept it secret from our friends so that they will be there on our church wedding. It was magical and romantic. Just me and my husband, our solemnizing officer and our two witnesses.Β  After the ceremony we had lunch at my favorite restaurant along the port. The fact that I’m having an Italian wedding is the best of all. πŸ™‚

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Happy Wednesday beautiful people! I just came from the gym and as I’m feeling all sorts of muscle pain right now I sat down and share with you my journey as a bridesmaid or just a wedding guest. I love weddings! Yes, I get so excited everytime I heard someone is getting hitch whether it is a friend or not! I am excited about the details, the themes and the wedding gown of course. As much as possible I don’t wanna missed a friend’s wedding. Before I became a bride, I’ve been to countless weddings. No, I’m not the most sought after bridesmaid or wedding guest haha just that I have so many friends and I love to enjoy their lifetime memories. I enjoyed every wedding I’ve been to.

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My Italian Christmas Holiday

Hello beautiful friends! I hope 2015 is giving you joy and laughter. I wanted to share my Christmas away from home with my not so new family. πŸ™‚

This is actually my third Italian Christmas and I’m getting there. You know Christmas in the Philippines is very similar to European and American Christmas as we are under the colony of Spain and America but still Italian Christmas is a little different. I can say different because it’s way more formal. Yes, in the Philippines it is like a super big Holiday that starts in September and ends like February lol. I know it’s already very commercialized that way but that’s how crazy we are. We love Christmas Holidays to bits.
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Hello beautiful people! πŸ™‚

Finally, I was able to squeezed time writing a blog. I missed you all and I missed blogging. I have to blog about a lot of things from my Holiday in Italy to my thoughts and my fashion choices for 2015.

I don’t have new year’s resolution but I always strive to be better than the last time I am. I am learning French language and I’m getting there. I just need to be more patient with the pronunciation and the accent will come next. Oh! c’est difficile (it’s difficult) really but I’m not giving up. I’d like to think, I’m one level away to fluency. πŸ™‚ (tap on my shoulder)
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Hello my fabulous friends! I just recovered from horrible flu and I’m glad one of my wishes to get rid of it before Christmas came true. Thank you God and Santa hey I’m here.

Christmas is for kids and of course for adults who has kiddie hearts πŸ™‚ just kidding.Β  Seriously, Christmas is for everyone. My favorite time of the year. If we look at it,Β  it is really of pure joy looking at the children getting excited about the season. The letters they are writing to Santa and the wishes. Setting up the Christmas tree and the lights. Oh I’m feeling so Christmas. Since I moved to Europe I never decorated the home because we are on travels every Christmas. I miss being a kid especially during this season.

Ok, I just want to make some wishes if I am a kid and my grown up wishes. Oh another oh-uh I’m sorry Santa it is only now I was informed that you are from Finland. I guess my wishes will have fast accomplishment as I am living inside the European Union. πŸ™‚
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Hello friends! I am very busy lately with many things, my students, my french class and the holiday rush. Christmas is here!

Despite of the schedule hiatus, I always have time to ponder about my future here in Europe. I am doing well in my Australian law firm job before I moved here. In fact, I am a permanent employee of the law firm which I worked with the Managing Solicitor with the cases and clients. I love the job, I love the people around me, I love my Australian colleagues they are the best! and most of all I love my lady boss! I guess really few people can say they love their boss. Yes, I love my boss and I can say it over and over again. She’s just the best! I missed them. I missed my work a lot.
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