This is special. I’m appreciating orange more despite having tanned skin. This dress is a gift of a dear friend. We’ve been friends since day one in college and we make it a point to see each other when there are opportunities. We live miles apart. She’s based in California, while I’m in France. The amazing thing is we always meet even it takes like two years and still remains like yesterday. I really adore this girlfriend of mine. She’ll be celebrating her birthday tomorrow.We are really friends as we know each other well. She gave me this forever21 dress. I love it in an instant! Oh, how can she knew me well? Thank you dear friend and I hope to see you soon with our babies. 🙂
Happy birthday girlfriend! Love you and God bless you more.
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Everytime I see photos of the movie “breakfast at tiffany’s” I am still drooling over Audrey Hepburn’s look. That is one simple yet over elegant and classy. One afternoon, I played to be like Audrey. Forgive me, I grab my black dress and tried myself to look like her lol. One day, I’ll hire a make up artist and let herdo exactly the way it is. 🙂 Bucket list… to look like Audrey Hepburn. I know that’s kinda weird haha..Moving on, I’d attended one opera night already here in France  but I don’t know yet what’s happening inside aside from the fact that they’ll be singing. I wish I wore something like this that night.

I bought this black dress in a thrift store in the Philippines that costs only less than 5€. Yes, less than 5€. 🙂 Just a little imagination it can look like it costs cher.
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We attended an event today in our city Nancy, France called “LA LIVRE SUR LA PLACE”. To make it short it is a book exhibit with all the book authors. I guess I have to make a separate blog about it. It’s very interesting. My thoughts goes to my book lover friends especially those who love the french culture.Street style. The day splits from fall or summer so I have to wear something in the middle. You know how much I’m scared of the biting cold. I’m wearing a jupe from Zara which cost only €4.99 can you believe it? I won a great deal on that price. My top from Pimkie also cost €4.95. I put a scarf to create a color to the white top and of course to protect my neck from the cold. I added the leather jacket just so I’m ready to take it off when the sun shows. My bag is from Mango which is a gift from my dearest sister.
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Some informations on Nuissance by Rebert Bruss

A noisy factory; a junk-filled vacant lot; a constantly barking dog; noisy neighbors; a smelly sewerworks; a house where illegal drugs are sold; a house of prostitution; a noisy night club.
What do all these situations have in common?
If you said they are all nuisances, you earn an “A.”

Now for a tougher question: Which of the above nuisances are public nuisances, which are private nuisances, and what is the difference? The answer: “It depends on the facts.”
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That Italian wedding that every celebrity is dying for? I have my own share of Italian wedding.My first wedding was in Italy in the city of Ancona. I went panic buying of clothes because I can’t decide what to wear in a civil ceremony. Before going to Italy, I already settled in wearing a Forever21 ivory dress. When I arrived in Italy, I saw a great deal of choices for my civil ceremony and that adds more to my perplexity.

Then come my wedding day. I never thought of the cold. It’s my very first winter anyhow. I thought I can manage the cold but no, I can’t. Its biting me. In the end, I never get to wear all the dresses I bought because of the weather. It’s winter and raining hard on that Valentine’s day of 2013. I forthwith grab something that will keep me warm. I promise to post my Italian wedding photos come February. For now, this is how I am suppose to dress and look like in my Civil wedding ceremony that the weather did not permit me. lol My look and style is far from the winter wedding I’m preparing. Ah! Growing up in the tropics my imagination of cold is far from the real one. 🙂

Oh I guess, Kiera Knightly got inspiration from me. 😛 After my Italian wedding she also got married in France with almost the same dress as mine. Ah, the only difference is that she’s wearing a tube channel one but the tule skirt is almost the same. 🙂

The original ribbon of this FOREVER21 dress is black. I replaced it with my favorite color green.
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Here is a unique case regarding ownership of photos that creates bewilderment in the Copyright world.FACTS: Professional wildlife photographer David Slater set up camera in the wild somewhere in Indonesia. The monkey got curious and clicked on the button that resulted in a beautiful MONKEY SELFIE. Later on, the MONKEY SELFIE began circulating and reached WIKIPEDIA. The Photographer told WIKI hey, I own the copyright of that photo, please remove it as you are using it without permission. But the WIKI management said. No NO we are not removing it, it is the monkey who owns the photo since he’s the one who clicked the button of the camera. Hence, the lawsuit.

ISSUES: Whether or not the photographer holds the copyright of the photo or the monkey?

HELD:  The monkey owns the photo since he is the one who clicked the button of the camera.

Wikiemedia wins. The revised rules even go as far as citing “a photograph taken by a monkey” as one of the works not covered, along with a mural painted by an elephant and driftwood shaped and smoothed by the ocean.

The U.S. Copyright Office has settled the recent debate over the so-called monkey selfie, declaring in updated rules that a piece of content produced by an animal can’t be registered.
Neither can content created by ghosts and gods. Seriously.

This decision from the website.
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I am inspired by my favorites Olivia Palermo, Victoria Beckham, the Duchess Kate Middleton to name a few. Olivia Palermo has her 30 styles in 30 days. OK, we aren’t Olivia Palermo who can afford those fancy outfits, that’s why I am recreating a style for less.For today, I am wearing a black and white monochrome from PIMKIE. The black on side give it a sexy curve. If you’ve watched the movie of John Lloyd Cruz and Sarah G with Isablle Daza. You’ll see Isabelle Daza wearing the same monogram style.

What’s good about about monochrome dresses? It is simple yet chic. I got this one on sale for €19.99. I paired it with my favorite ANN CHRISTINE white shoes.
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Oh summer please don’t go. Coming from tropics you know how much I wanted it to stay. I’m so scared of cold and winter. Though I have to admit that I am wishing more snow on my very first winter experience. One winter know how is enough for me to say that summer is still the best.Imagine life just lying down on the beach with your favorite drink and book. Ahhh that is really paradise.

I know you have read a lot already about summer must haves like sun block which is very important by the way. So, I’m just adding to bring morale to your summer. The truth is most girls got really insecure every summer because of the beach body. The truth is we are not born models. We are always jealous of those perfect magazine bodies we see. Don’t freak out if there’s a will, there’s a way. Just think you are the only person on the beach and you will be by yourself with oh oozing beach body appeal. Just make yourself comfortable no matter what and you will be fine.

Choose the right colors and swim wear and you will be fine. I don’t have a Victoria’s Secret’s model body but I’m always confident with my body. Yes, I don’t have the big front runners (that big boobs) but I have big derriere to compensate. 🙂 We can’t have it all. Who would have thought I can wear a bandeau bikini despite of my body. I dared and be the judge if I got yey or nay!

My green bandeau swimwear is from BENETTON and the BLUE one is from ANN CHRISTINE.
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Today is special. Few days ago my father was hospitalized. As usual we sent rocket of prayers to God and I even asked my close friends to pray for the healing of my father. God answered quickly and today my father is out of the hospital and well.I am thankful to God and to my family and friends who prayed for the good health of my father. What makes it more special is today is the birthday of Mama Mary. Happy Birthday Mama Mary and thank you for the intercession and for always guiding us.



Choosing colors that will look good on our skin is quiet a difficult task. Some colours may look good for our eyes but other may find it odd. Oh well, we dress for our comfort and what we feel just and reasonable for us.It’s very subtle people indulge in color orange. Yes, it is very strong and looks good only to the chosen few. There are numerous do’s and dont’s fashion style regarding color orange. I always say keep that courange and confidence because everyone deserves all the color they want. Really! it’s how you carry the dress that matters. You can look from a street smart girl to a slutty one if you don’t know how to put on the right materials, colors and style. Ensemble carry your confidence within you and you will be beautiful no matter what. I’ve read before that no man would like to have a woman who has low self-esteem, so let every woman boost with overloading self-esteem!

Be bold and daring. Don’t be afraid to try something new. As you see, I’m not sporting a fair complexion as before. My vacation in the Philippines for two months plus the European summer highlights my bronze color. I am very tan now but I dare to wear floral orange since summer isn’t over yet.
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