ALTER no cuts

It’s summer time in Europe! Move over boots, thick jackets, trench coats, scarfs, etc. Finally, my favourite time of the year arrived. I love summer for so many reasons and of course the fashionable clothes, bikinis, flip flops, dresses, without thinking if it will cover you from cold.Yes! Maxi dresses are in for the summer. It looks oh so sexy and classy! It brings elegance to every woman wearing it.

I recently bought a maxi dress from H&M. I bought it even it’s too long for me because it looks strikingly beautiful. The challenge for me is to alter it without cutting because I don’t want to ruin the edges. So my quick witted mind in fashion strikes again.
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I am a newbie blogger. Pardon my mistakes, my messy website and my writings. As of now, I am overjoyed of my readers. I wasn’t expecting that my followers would grow fast. As I checked the statistics of my blog followers, my heart jumped to see readers from US, Japan, Bahamas, India, Kuwait, Doha, Marianas Islands, Singapore, Israel, Australia, Germany, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, of course France, Philippines and Italy.I’m overjoyed meeting one of my self-confessed fan and follower of my blogs. We’re completely total stranger to each other but she really made effort to see me when I recently went home in the Philippines. She’s from Batangas and imagine the traffic going to Manila. So sweet of you Debbie. I was even lucky to meet the boyfriend who’s also fun to talk with.

We met at starbucks mall of asia. How sweet she is to surprised me with graham balls she made.

I admire you debbie. Beautiful and young entrepreneur. If I can only turn back time, I wish I did selling things too during my younger days. As I promised you, you will have my blog giveaway in my next homecoming. 🙂 Stay happy and good luck on your life’s journey. Thank you to your boyfriend for taking our photos.
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Stealthy Invites

It’s your big day! Sure, you don’t want someone stranger witnessing it and then after like 20 years you are reviewing your photos, it’s still a mystery to you and your husband who are these people on our wedding day. I am no celebrity but I really wanted a very private wedding with only few guests in a small church.I knew you have read a lot already about weddings and how to make it private. These are my reasons of wanting a small wedding with only family and friends that you can call a family already.

How do you start with your wedding invites. First, send them your save the date. I must say that it’s much better to do personalized save the dates. It’s more cheaper and  fun. I would suggest to send it via snail mail for those who are very far but since e-mail and social media is fast and easy these days there’s no harm doing it. I’ve sent my own craft of save the date through e-mails and facebook with special note saying please don’t tell anyone about this. This is only for you. If you are really close to your friend, you won’t hesitate telling him/her about this little note. 🙂 And of course since you are very close to this friend, she/he can be trusted about your little secret to be revealed on the wedding day.
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UNIVERSITY of LONDON: English common law structures and principles

Where will learning take you? I was born to be a student? I hope not. I’m blessed being married to a very smart but very humble man. He loves education so much and he encourages me to take more and more courses to gather more knowledge. My husband graduated SUMMA CUM LAUDE from his universities up to his Phd degree. He co – authored two economics books which has been published already. (proud wife lol) He encourages me to pursue my law degree in France. I felt that it is not necessary since I don’t speak the language. Indeed, I was refused by French university because I should be fluent with french first. Law is already difficult, how much more if you don’t speak the language, right? I speak few french but still not fluent for law school and eventually for the French bar exam. My husband is continuously in pursuit of my happiness. Hmmm… law again!!!! not fun right? But when my amore said, is it ok for you to take courses in English law through British university? I immediately said YES! Finally, lectures in English. I filled up an application online and after evaluation here I come for this new learning English common law structures and principles. This is just a short course for two months. I’m excited! On the other hand, I’m also studying copyright  laws online. I love learning and discovering things. We already paid and am I ready? Yes, I am ready for a different european summer. Learning! Back to school for summer. School again and again.

In LONDON streets

Until next time… I’ll update you what I’ve learned and what interests me.

Thank you!

Au revoir


Finally, we’ve finished all the stages of getting married! How do I feel? Hmmm… Actually, many still doesn’t know that my easter wedding is already my second wedding. So hollywood right? In fact, we already celebrated our first year wedding anniversary. It was valentine’s day of 2013, we got married in Italy. Of course, I will share with you my Italian wedding probably in my next blog. For now, I will share the moments of my church wedding taken 21st April 2014.our prenup video…
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Engagement shoot

This is it! We are ready! We are supposed to be ready but things happen.  My husband arrived in Manila April 13 and arrived in Legazpi April 16. We have very little time for the engagement photo shoot and we are getting married on the 21st of April. It was stressful! I’m crazy. The weather is adding up. The rain just didn’t stop! There is a tropical depression. My husband is getting sick of the weather changes. We have no more time. The date is too close and to add that the long holiday is coming! It is holy week already! I have lots of things to do! Calling the photographer everyday updating about our alternative concept when the rain don’t stop. Calling the make up artist! And oh! I have to get rid of my braces! Ahhhh…. what’s happening, the universe is not conspiring! I don’t like explaining things but I have to explain to my camera shy husband about what to do. I am also attending to our foreign guests where they are going and ahh they keep changing their minds… no way!!! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!!!! Everything is a mess already until Holy Thursday when we woke up! The sun is shining brightly and it is just beautiful and perfect! God is great! The universe heard our prayers! It’s already Holy Thursday. I get rid first of my braces and then I called up the make up artist. Finally, we are on our way to our engagement photo shoot! I can only say, Thank you Lord! :)I wanted to shoot near the Mayon volcano but since it was holiday the ruins and other tourist place was full packed. We were lucky that our photographers are really kind and professional. They understand everything despite our tardiness to the appointment.

I wanted a very provincial photos of course featuring Albay province. Since I’m marrying an Italian, I wanted photos showing original things from my province. Our photographers are genius. They didn’t gave us a hard time during the shoot.

I’m happy to share with you guys the fruit of our hard work! Thank you so much R&R Studio and of course thank you God! Truly, nothing is impossible to you! You make everything conspire! 🙂
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TINAPA spaghetti (Smoked fish)

I’m back! Sorry, I’ve been absent for the past months because of my church wedding in the Philippines. I will blog about my wedding soon. For now, let me share with you one of the best dish you will enjoy.Tinapa spaghetti. Tinapa is common in the Philippines particularly in my region, Bicol. It is the Filipino term for fish cooked or preserved through the process of smoking. It is a native delicacy in my country and is often made of milk fish or locally known as bangus and or other small kind of fish. There are also big tinapa such as tulingan or turingan in my local dialect. And what’s the best partner of tinapa? Of course tomato! oh tomatoes!!!

As I thought, I have to create and reinvent recipes from my home town. Being married to Italian, I have to incorporate my taste bud to the Italian spaghetti.

Ok, Here’s what you need to make my new recipe.  I am cooking only for my lunch so here we go.
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Alone in Paris

Paris. When I think of Paris, I always associate it with dreams, love and romance. I never thought being alone in this romantic city can be as fun as I’ve imagined.

It is by chance that I have to travel alone in Paris. I need to go to the British embassy so this leaves me wandering alone in the “The City of Love”, but its most famous is “La Ville-Lumière” City of Lights. Though it is not my first time in Paris but still the thought that it is a big city and I speak only very little french makes me panic just a little. As soon as I finished with my appointment in the British Embassy I started my journey exploring the whole day alone in the city of love. I started asking in the tube station before I boarded the tube and the man in charge gave me a map of the whole Paris. He was very kind that he explained to me where I should go and where I should ride. I didn’t got most of his instructions but I’m off for the day’s challenge. Below is a photo of the whole Paris map with signs and symbols where to go and what tube to ride. And you can buy a whole day ticket tube ride where you have access to all rides. I guess it only costs 6€ for the whole day ride.
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Mes français (my french)

D’accord! As promised that I will write my next blog in French. I am undecided as to what topic I will discuss. Here’s my try speaking all about the things I love in my 4 months stay in France.Oopps. I’m proud to say that I did not use google translate here so forgive my french grammar. Are you ready? Here we go….

dix, neuf, huit, sept, six, cinf, quatre, trois, deux, UNE….. oui, je peux compter.

J’aime la France pour les raisons suivantes.

D’aboard. France est le meilleur dans les pâtisseries. Hmmm… j’adore les macarons.
Mis Ă  part les dĂ©licieuses saveurs de la couleur est aussi une attraction. J’aime coleurs. 
Depuis, je adore Paris parce que Paris est belle et romantique. Vous pouvez faire beaucoup de choses comme faire du shopping, prendre des photos et profiter de la vue et liste et beaucoup plus.
J’aime aussi les conceptions architecturales des Ă©glises.  Il ya beaucoup de choses Ă  l’amour sur France mais tout cela pour l’instant.
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Je parle Français (I speak French)

As the saying goes, when in Rome, do what Romans do…and because we recently moved in France, we should speak French too!

D’accord! Forgive me for mixing english and french language but I promise to write my next blog more in french. For now, let me share with you my experiences learning French. This is not actually my first time learning a new language. While living in Italy, I learned Italian too.

Well, I come from the Philippines where our national language in the past is Spanish due to Spanish colonization from the arrival of the European explorer Ferdinand Magellan in 1521, until the Spanish-American War that ended Spanish rule in 1898.
It remained, along with English, as a de-facto official language until removed in 1973 by a constitutional change. After a few months, it was re-designated an official language by presidential decree, and remained official until the present Constitution removed its official status.

Our official language in the Philippines for now is Tagalog and English. Tagalog  has some borrowed words from the Spanish language.

Ok, I’m not going to talk about our history. 🙂

When I arrived in Europe, most people would tell me it’s easy for you to adapt because you speak  Spanish. If only I can explain to everyone that it’s the old generation who speak Spanish in the Philippines.

For some reasons, I feel really ecstatic learning the French language because it’s a beautiful language and as I’ve  heard it’s the second most important language after English. My journey is quite easy because I speak English and I understand most Spanish words plus I also speak a little of Italian. Armed with these shall I call “sister languages” I know, I will be fine.

I enrolled in the University of Lorraine (DEFLE) DĂ©partement d’Etudes de Français Langue Etrangère (DeFLE). I met other students who are also studying french language. In my class, it is mostly occupied by South Koreans. With smart professors in front who knows what he/she needs to teach, day by day, I noticed we are all improving and is speaking french to each other. Amazing it is!

I am trying to recall what happened on the first day of school since all of us doesn’t know what to do. On the first day of class, we are asked to present ourselves. Luckily, I already prepared myself for some basics. Here’s my presentation.
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